In business the color brown signifies security, stability and maturity. It is a grounding color and it evokes a sense of permanence and an at home comfort kind of feeling. A worn brown leather couch, a large, gracefully aged wood desk or a worn wood floor give your office a sense of peace and reliability. People will feel comfortable and at ease. The color brown is favored by male clients as it feels practical and steady to them. Businesses relating to money, tools and the working trades should introduce some brown items into their decor.

Brown is the color of the earth and soil. It symbolizes nurture and fertility and it allows for growth and new adventures. Stable, yet dynamic, brown signifies hard work and steady progress. All agriculutral related businesses would benefit from adding the color brown in the form of natural elements. Brown introduces the durable and reliable version of nature.

On the lighter side of brown lie the beiges and creams. These colors are considered neutral and fit into any setting where you do not want to rock the boat. Beiges are non confrontational and offer a soft backdrop to bolder pieces of furniture or decor. In contrast to brown, beiges do have the air of sophistication and they display a feminine softness in the space. Gentle businesses like therapists, advisers or counselors can benefit from a neutral office environment that keeps the client focused on them.

Just like greens, the beiges and browns represent the earthy, natural elements of decor. Wood floors, wood furniture, brick walls and soft linens all lend a hand in creating a space that is down to earth, friendly, nature bound and inviting. Creativity with patterns and textures can give the space interest and vigor.

Overall, the color brown is the most grounding color to implement into your design. If you find yourself to be a steady, comforting and a laid back, homey feeling kind of soul, your business will profit by using brown elements in your decor.
for more inspiration please visit color my office brown