I am my mountain

I am my mountain

I am stable, solid and steady. I ground me on earth. I am a mountain; I don’t move, yet I vibrate warmth and security. Embrace me as I embrace you. I bathe in the security of a warm world. A world I often leave turning on its own rhythm. I hide-out, I schnuggle in the comfort of my readings. Here I can walk the earth barefoot, here I can swim in the ocean with dolphins, and here I can climb my mountain.

Often I find my peace in the arms of Gaia, the mother. I feel her nurture and love, I embrace her peace and vibrancy. I dream, yet I seek the practical, the sensible and the simple things in life. A creamy cup of hot chocolate perfectly cooled on a crisp autumn evening speaks to me of giving and receiving in life.

I am grounded in what is, I walk the path of the mother and I am as steady as the mountains rising to the sky. I am solid, here, schnuggled int he warmth of my being and reassured in the safety of who I am.

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