I am my ocean

I am my ocean

I am turmoil wrapped in tranquility, serenity and peaceful calm. I gaze out into the vast ocean and I yearn, I search, I reach… yet I cannot grasp what I seek. The wide expanse of blue draws me to the infinite, and the grounding green pulls me home. I am a wave, green-blue, sparkling, moving, tossing, roaring, sometimes gentle and kind. My mind is soothed by the liquidity that surrounds me, yet searching whispers of thought escape my calm.

Somewhere between the tug and pull lies my balance, my tranquility and my peace. My gentle ocean whispering kindly in the breeze, lazily lapping its turquoise waves to shore. There I am, the serene, the calm the pacified me. Here I offer a spark of unity and the world notices. For the moment refreshing balance reigns, but soon the pull, the search, the wandering into the expanse will start all over again. Out of nowhere, new reflections, new musing, new wanderings of thoughts will ignite the turmoil anew. A fresh search for a profound peace arises, drawing me deeper into the sea that is me.

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