Color your day with a magnificient purple

Color your day with a magnificient purple

Royal, noble and dignified, the color purple elevates the spiritual connection and aims to balance life in the higher realm. The combination of the cool, expansive blue with the fiery, action packed red give the purple hue its own dynamics of purposeful drive for expansion of the mind. Therefore, spaces of meditation or reflection often incorporate a violet, or deep purple decor. It is the color of choice for philosophers and deep thinkers.  Purple has the highest vibrating color and it is often chosen to represent importance in certain professions as in the color of a robe for judges or royalty. However, purple also stimulates the imagination and creation of fantasies and spiritual wanderings. A room decorated in a dominant violet can inspire you to indulge in day dreams, fairy tales and meditating with a higher realm. Thus, the room may appear as a sanctuary for introspection and thought. Purple is not a social color, but rather elevates itself above the rest by its magnificence, air of royalty and touch of introverted loneliness. Adding a deep purple to your decor has to be done with purpose and the intent to create a sanctuary or retreat within the house. When a violet is added to a living room, you invite your guests to introspective musings and thoughts, rather then jovial conversation. Overall, the color remains aloof, grounding, and a little untouchable in its high realm.

For more inspiration visit.   Color my day with passionate purple

High Vibration
Spiritual Wanderings
Day Dreams

Your love for deep purple

If you find yourself responding to the color purple, you are sensitive, empathetic to others and an air of mystic charm surrounds you. By choosing the color purple, you are expressing a wish for emotional security and the need to retreat into your own mind.

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