The color purple identifies with innate kindness, dreamy creativity, thriving for high ideals and spiritual wanderings.
You are a truly kind and compassionate soul. As a sincere humanitarian; you can be found out in the world giving to all that are in need. Your peaceful demeanor and higher intellect create trust and confidence in everybody around you.
You are dedicated to your work and you face challenges with open creativity and artistic visions. You connect to the higher realm and the spiritual world, putting you in touch with your inner guides.
You love the best, seek the best and create success for yourself. You have an important and royal air about you that sometimes speaks of higher authority. However, your gentle compassion and quiet patience make you approachable and loved.
Privately, you are an introvert who is prone to spiritual wanderings and intellectual musings. Philosophers, poets and free thinkers attract you and occupy your mind. You strive to elevate your intuition and understanding of the workings of the universe.
Purple vibrates in the highest frequency of all the colors and you embody this vibration. High ideals and initiating the transformation of the soul are your ultimate goals.
Read more on how to color your day a magnificent purple
Purple’s shadow advice
Too much of the color purple can depress your mood instead of elevating it. You can become aloof and distant, and you may appear to high and mighty or arrogant. People will find you unapproachable and shy away from your lack of emotion.
Your spiritual wanderings can take on a selfish note and you can forget time, space and family. It could translate into disrespect for others. The lack of grounding may put pressure on your friends to drag you along, or making endless excuses for your absence or tardiness.
Too much purple hues around you can inspire you to be a queen that has lost all sense of belonging or worth. Ground yourself with a ray of yellow or a morsel of brown, so you can step back down to earth and do what you do best; be the helping hand in need.