Hello Joy de vivre- you are a magenta
The color magenta identifies with happy joy de vivre, creative spontaneity and free spirited buoyancy and balanced energy.
You are a happy, outgoing, warm hearted and spirited person. You skip and hop your path in a happy go lucky way and your optimistic energy draws people along. You love to motivate others to be their best and you are the tireless cheerleader when you see steps towards success. Your compassion and kindness shine through your soul and you lend a comforting hand wherever you can. However, your aid is given when it is needed, but you do not enable people so they depend on you. Your free spirit strives for others to fall on their feet as well. You support and nurture independence in your self and others.

You think outside the box. Wait what box? The sky is the limit when it comes to presenting ideas and conquering challenges. There are no problems in your world, but only solutions. You do not see limitations, but your free thinking mind is able to creatively circumvent traditions and restrictions. You do not conform to convention and your innovative mind paired with your resourceful energy allow you to tackle all that falls in your way. Sometimes people can feel overpowered by your impulsive nature, because they cannot follow your higher thinking. Fortunately for all, you are also able to ground your thoughts, organize your progress and you are able to create rational step by step guides to solutions. You are a great access in any progress minded environment,.
Life needs to be lived happy and happy go lucky. You love to see the good in little things. You see the pretty flowers on your morning walks, you observe little squirrels chasing each other and you marvel at the faces in the white puffy clouds in the sky. Everything is celebrated in your mind and you assign an importance of belonging to any creature, big or small, ugly or pretty. Your world deserves your unconditional love and respect and you award it to anybody that you meet. Your personal style also reflects your creativity.
You owe your optimistic, carefree, but also well adjusted outlook in life to your ability to harmonize all energies. You achieve balance in every aspect of your life, be it physically, emotionally and spiritually by releasing old habits and self destructing patterns. You ability to see through dark passages in your life and let go of feelings that do not serve you allow you to be that free spirit. Always knowing that there is a clearing at the end of a dark forest creates the trust you need for your optimistic self. Your great, sometimes quirky sense of humor hurdles you over any remaining obstacles that may linger in your way.

Magenta represents a beautiful carefree, kind and unencumbered spirit that embraces the world and everybody in it.
Go hug the world.
Read more here on how to color your day in radiant orchid
Magenta’s shadow advice
Magenta’s oh so happy infectious optimism can easily be interpreted to be false and superficial. Some people like to think in silence and explore all aspects of self and can find you overbearing and domineering in a too sugary and sticky way. Learn to temper your buoyant self when you see people shrinking away from you. Some folks need more time to process and some people are anxious when they see you forge ahead what may seem as an impatient and not well orchestrated way. Too much magenta energy can turn you impatient, relentless and you can loose the focus you need to finish a task. Then it is time to step back, allow the calming blue to surface and take a deep breath and be silent. You harmonious self will rebalance itself and the supercharged red energy will give way to a gentler path.