Hello there- you are an orange
The color orange identifies with sheer joy, tireless sociability, uplifting creativity and playful laughter.
You are an outgoing person. You radiate joy and warmth and people are naturally drawn to your radiant and positive energy. You see the good in all things big and small and you embrace life and others just the way they are.
You are a social butterfly. You are the first to raise your hand to plan gatherings or outings with friends. Always up for an adventure, your vibrant spirit attracts support and loyalty from others. You love to entertain, you are the light of any party and you are the best conversationalist around. Just like a red, you draw attention to yourself in any setting.
You solve problems with creativity and enthusiasm. You do not take no for an answer and you always seek solutions to any challenges. You elevate your environment and pull people into your enthusiastic vibe. Debbie Downers do not last long in your energy field. You have a way to stirr up strong emotions in people around you and you are able to diffuse deep feelings with a sense of humor and warmth.
In fact, laughter, joy and hugs are your best medicine. You are boisterous and unapologetically full of life. You love to be on the go, you love spontaneous adventures and you need constant movement. Keeping house is not your strong point and couch potatoes are not your thing.
Go embrace the world.
Read more on how to color your day with a warm embrace of orange
Orange’s shadow advice
The wanderlust of orange can have a negative effect on the homelife. Ever on the go, orange has a hard time settling down. You can get easily bored and you don’t do well by yourself. Melancholy and a need to see others can take over your being and you become clingy and distressed. Gone is the jovial, happy self and it is replaced by a self pitying and self destructive self.
As an orange, you can become lazy when faced with mundane tasks. All housework, school work or any tedious job are met with a lack of discipline and an eye for adventure. As an orange, it is good to embrace a little of the personality color black, to train yourself in looking inward and finding joy in solitude.