In business, a soft pink implies feminine intuition, soft romanticism and sweet delights. Pink soothes the nerves in its warm, loving and caring ways. It creates a soft sweet cocoon where to feel safe and nurtured. It represents hope and love. Painting your office walls a soft pink soothes anxiety, adding a fluffy pink chair at your desk invites comfort and decorating your space with big, rose colored florals represents the feminine, romantic world. Soft hues of rose and pink are ideal for a salon, wedding shop or a business dealing in romance.

That said, any business that represents soft beauty and a loving embrace can play with decor in pink hues. Intuitive and insightful, it carefully replaces sorrow and pain with joy and hope.

Sweet, naive and oh so sticky are some characteristics of the color pink. Simple joys, delights and girlie ways are represented within the hues of this color. A cozy tea room, an artsy patisserie or a hopping candy shop are great candidates to be decked out in the color pink. It is often referred to as the color for little girls, but the pleasures of a sweet candy or a scrumptious glazed donut are enjoyed by all. However, just like overindulging with sweets, one can also overwhelm a space with too much pink. Without contrast, the color can swallow you in its gooey embrace and turn you into an angry sugar monster. Too much pink will agitate and confuse, so be selective in your pink decor.

Overall, pink is a color that is easy on the eye and the mind. It is distinctively associated with the feminine side of nurturing, loving and embracing once soul.