In business, the color black could be used to invoke a sense of authority, power and dignified sophistication. Black is a strong color and implies a strong, serious business that acts with strength and authority. This feel may be well suited to judges chambers, ceo’s of big money companies or anybody who would like to exude complete control over things. Keep in mind that it may feel intimidating to the average client, so the purpose of black must be well understood.

Black shrouds itself into a sense of mystery and secrecy. It is a space where you can retreat from reality and spend your time retreating from the outside world. It could offer protection from your ramped up emotions and over a quiet place to reflect and rediscover self. It offers silence and a sense of nothingness. Black attracts the youth, so if you are a youth counselor or work with any emotional unbalanced people, you could benefit from a room that is decorated in black.
Black is also associated with luxury, elegance and sophistication. The black limo, the black velvet box or the black mini dress speak of classy poise. A jewelry store, expensive make up counters or upscale car dealers can attract customers by instilling black luxury into their decor.

The youth likes the cutting edge of black. It has an air of rebellion and trendy coolness. Music studios, hip cafes and night clubs are great areas where to introduce black walls, black velvet couches or fun leather chairs.

Overall, black is a strong color who does not hide from your sight. It can overwhelm you, or draw you into its powerful embrace.
for more inspiration please check out my Pinterest board : Your business colored black