Color is everywhere. On our daily journeys, we are surrounded, permeated and confronted with each and every color under the rainbow and beyond. Some colors are placed deliberately, some appear by chance, but either way, all colors affect our consciousness in a certain way. A pleasing color palette can raise a frame of mind, balance the senses and nourish the soul. An offending palette can aggravate a cranky mood, or it can cause aggression and distress. However, not everybody responds identically to the same color. A color that makes you happy could make another person sad. That is why it is important to explore, how you respond to certain colors, so you can create an environment that brings you joy.
Throughout my years working with clients, I found that everybody has an innate sense of color preferences. In other words, you already know deep inside, what colors balance your life and what colors can derail your peace of mind. However, most people are hesitant to trust their own intuition. Often, they are thrown off course by an emerging trend or a well meaning neighbor. My job as a designer has always been to help you open your eyes to your inner color world and give you the confidence and pride to access your colors. By listening to yourself, you become confident in creating a space that speaks to your soul. In reality, your are already consistent with your choices and once you are given a safe place to explore yourself, your color sense and intuition blossoms.
I believe anybody can learn to access their own color palette and work with it to foster self awareness and to create a surrounding that continuous to give joy and peace.
So dive in and explore this site intuitivelycolored and take charge of your color world.

How to explore
The COLOR QUIZ is a fun way to start exploring the colors to where your intuitive choices lead you. Allow the pictures to speak to you and find out which color door will open for you today.
Start with COLOR MEDITATIONS to set the mood. Experience the array of colors that nature brings to you and observe your reaction to them.
Explore PLAYFUL INTERPRETATIONS IN COLOR . Just allow the words to flow through your mind and meditate on the color that follows the words. Do they speak to you?
Once you identified a color that speaks to you, read up in COLOR PERSONALITIES to gain insight into that particular color mind.
Next move over to the COLOR YOUR DAY section and explore if your favorite color can be implemented into your decor.
Explore COLOR IN BUSINESS and learn how you can strengthen you message through your color choices, and how you can influence your client’s perception of your business identity.