In business, the color orange is associated with fun, adventure and happy travels. Orange is always on the move. It’s free spirited nature beckons to walk paths not yet discovered. Therefore orange is a great color to incorporate for businesses associated with travels, travel blogs and outdoor gear.
Orange is known to stimulate the appetite. It also encourages conversation, social togetherness and individual spirit. Restaurants and cafes could benefit greatly from adding an orange wall, or bright orange bistro chairs, as patrons will stay longer, eat more and talk forever.
Orange is the color of youth. It’s joyful, creative and fun vibe speaks to the young who do not want to be confined into a conventional box. Orange expresses an upbeat individualism that breaks all boundaries and seeks new horizons. It is the color of happy go lucky, it is the story of “on the move” with an enthusiasm for life and great things. Therefore, any business dealing with the youth can benefit from adding bright, fun pops of color into their decor. It will make young people feel understood, comfortable and ready to freely express who they are.
On a different note, orange needs to be used with caution and intent. it is a “love me” – “hate me” color where people either completely embrace it, or completely reject it. So using it in your business can be tricky, and the target audience needs to be carefully identified. Often, the brighter side of orange can be toned down into hues of coral or peach to soften the impact and sweeten the tone.
However, if you have the courage to be bold, be different, be confident and strong in your business, then be sure to grab some orange pillows, or paint and let the world see your joyful, optimistic business self.
For more inspiration visit COLOR YOUR OFFICE ORANGE