Dependable, predictable, stable and steady, tried and true browns encourage a deep sense of comfort and contentment in the home. Reminiscent of a sweet piece of chocolate, an environment created with warm wood floors, or worn leather couches evokes a feeling of simple times and pleasures. Practical, sensitive and mature, a brown decor invites you to stay home, nestle and bathe in the security of a warm world. Often, brown is associated with conventionality, boredom or stale maturity, however beautiful worn and rich patina floors can create subtle interest, a steel and wood bookshelf can trend to the vintage and an oversized soft leather couch beckons to snuggle and read. Exuding a masculine air, a beautiful paneled den, or a library with floor to ceiling bookshelf invite contemplation, conversation and repose. Surrounding yourself with brown decor gives you a safe heaven and a warm reassurance.
For more inspiration go to “color my day with delicious chocolates”

Your love for chocolate brown
If the cravings for some chocolate brown appears in your day today, you feel the need for security, comfort and the warm embrace from your family and friends. You are ready to snuggle in, hide out and allow the world to turn without you.