Pristine, quiet and simplistic, the color white settles on your mind like a soft, puffy cloud in the summer sky. Breezy and soft or clean and calm, a white surrounding does not offend. It soothes the senses and is devoid of all the stimulus of color. In the realm of white, your mind can be at peace and open up to the clarity of new possibilities, new beginnings and transcending thoughts. White is the inclusion of all color, so therefore it speaks of neutrality and fairness when observed. Many times, when one is going through a transformation in life, white will appeal as the color of new beginnings and new directions, as it is non-confrontational and therefore embracing of all new thoughts and ideas. Any and all rooms can be decorated and styled in white. Winter whites present the sleep and internal repose of the mind. White crisp linens in the bedroom invite for a peaceful slumber and a nostalgic flair. Pure white towels and immaculate shine invite the clean feeling into any bathroom or kitchen. A white couch in the living room is the essence of calm and pure discipline, however it is not a good choice when there are children and animals abound. Sometimes, a white space can feel cold, empty and invokes a lack of emotion and direction. Visitors can feel restricted and awkward, as they fear to smudge a white fabric or surface. However, a mix of comfy and fluffy fabrics and textures can alleviate that feeling and despite of the white surroundings, the visitors feels compelled to sink in a comforting, soft and puffy cloud of white bliss.
for more inspiration visit color my day simply white on Pinterest

White can be used in many styles of architecture. The modern style loves the clean and pristine lines , the white clapboard house embraces the calming and homey nature of nostalgia and shabby chic and the adobe buildings are embolden with white to instill a sense of coolness and serenity. A white home symbolizes the fresh new beginning of a story yet to be written.
Your love for white
If you feel yourself drawn to the color white, you are feeling the need for new beginnings. You seek a pristine, soft and calm environment that allows your mind to wander and walk a path of new possibilities and fresh beginnings. You are also looking to de-clutter your life and you are ready to embrace simplicity and transformational change.