Warm, joyful and enthusiastic, the color orange stimulates your senses, wakes up your creativity and initiates social gatherings and intellectual conversation. Orange falls into your life with the uplifting spirit of the sun, the warmth of a crackling fire, the rejuvenating bite of an orange or the comforting spice of a pumpkin. Somewhat misunderstood, it seldom makes it into common decor, but moves in and out of our lives with the wave of the modern trend. However, adding orange to your environment, will lighten your mood, wake up your creative juices and encourage social interaction and happiness. Orange is the color of social delight and it gives any festivity or get together a boost. So incorporating a generous amount of orange in your living room or dining room will transform your home into a hub of a fun and jovial party. Your office environment can benefit from a pop of orange, as it will lift up the mood and empower the mind for great thoughts and creative reflection. Be aware that orange also stimulates hunger, so if you are on a diet, leave this vibrant hue out of your kitchen. Be sure to use a pacified peach or grounding rust color in your bedroom decor, so as to tone down the mental and physical energy level of a bright color orange. For today, put a bounce in your mood by splashing the color orange around the house.
for more inspiration, go to: Color my day with the warm embrace of orange

Your love for orange
If you love to surround yourself with the color orange, then you are the warm and positive presence at gathering and parties. You are the jovial social butterfly who initiates conversation and you awake the creative juices in all around you. You prefer to be active and you shine with vitality and endurance. Every challenge is met with a warm and energetic optimism and you view life as a happy walk on a sun-kissed road.