Cool, calm and refreshing, the color aqua soothes your soul and aims to balance your emotions. Caught in between the deep calming nature of blue and the refreshing, soothing feel of green, aqua evokes the balance of both characteristics. The endless combinations of the blue/green hues can range from uplifting, light and airy to moody, broody, grounding and stimulating. Therefore adding aqua to your decor can have a wide variety of effects on you or your visitors. A touch of cool, breezy aqua among white furnishing refreshes and calms the soul. The courage to add bright turquoise to your walls and main furniture assemblies invoke confidence, strength and idealism within the observer. Your surroundings appear crisp and clean, full of positively charged energy and uplifting thoughts. The creativity to combine deep teal with moody blues and jewel greens tug on your soul to create mental balance and peace within. So charge your day today with an uplifting accessory in a bright turquoise, challenge your spirit by painting a wall a vibrant blue-green, or settle your soul by adding a hint of aqua to your serene white surroundings.
find more inspiration at color my day with an uplifting aqua

Your love for refreshing aqua
If you love to surround yourself with green/blue hues you are generally very friendly, approachable and easy going with an uplifting and refreshing personality. Your communication skills are strong and you know how to articulate and convey your thoughts and ideas. Your deepest desire is to create emotional and mental balance within you and others and your home accentuated with splashes of aqua will reflect this trait.