Intuitively Colored   

To connect you with your intuitively inspired color. To empower you to realize and embrace your color insights. To heighten color awareness through meditations, inspirations, clarifications and playful interpretations of color.

Color and You

Color is omnipresent. Color is intuitive. Color is energy. 
From the moment you open your eyes in the morning until the time you go to sleep and beyond, color envelops you like a visible and invisible cloud. Consciously and unconsciously, you drink in the colors of the day and your mind forms memories, feelings, associations and perceptions based on what color you see. Color embraces you, relaxes you, snuggles you or pushes you away. Color is not random, but tailored to who you are. Your intuition attracts the colors that you need for your soul, your health or your presence. Color speaks through you, with you and vibrates inside of you. Navigate the site and learn all about you and your color here. Read More!

Color Quiz

No one is impervious to color. Our body’s cells are light sensitive and respond to the vibrations of color. This awakens our intuition and we start to associate feelings with certain colors. We begin to sense, comprehend and grasp the meaning a particular color has for us. Colors carry memories, stories and emotional attachments, The process of learning which color attracts you and why, which color repels you and why, and which color comes and goes out of your life serves as a powerful tool to bring you closer to another aspect of you. This quiz is your first step to your personal color journey. Each time you select an image, your choice will mirror an important characteristic of your life at this moment in time. Read More!

Color Your Day

Your internal relationship with color sets up the mood for your day. Wherever you go, whatever your task, whomever you meet, your interconnection with the colors within you and the colors that surround you will govern your mood, health and space. Explore the feelings that colors evoke in and around your home and you can determine if your spaces are in tune with your color intuition. Read More!

Color Meditations

Nature surrounds us with delicious colors and brilliant color combinations. If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed or confused in what color your soul needs today, take a deep breath and play one of these color meditations. Allow the images to flow in and out of your mind and pause at the ones that attract you. Do not judge, or question what image comes up, but simply let it be. Read More!

Color Personalities

The colors that surround us infuse themselves into our being. They evoke emotions, feelings and associations. We intuitively know which color speaks to us and which repels us. Allow the colors of your inner self to emerge and begin to intuitively understand the impact of colors on your world. Read More!

Color in Business

The color scheme that you choose for your business is an essential tool in attracting clients, communicating intent and creating an office environment that is tailored to your brand. The most notable part of your business is color. Color is the unapologetic conversationalist that keeps your business in the heart and minds of your clients, your employees and your soul. It is your central visual ingredient to influence your environment towards your business goals and vision. Read More!

Playful Interpretations of Color

Color is mood. Color is emotional vignettes. Color is playful associations. Color is poetry in motion. Thoughts and feelings can be assessed and released through color metaphors and color inspirations. Indulge your senses with these whimsical color illustrations paired with word play and analogies and observe your reaction towards one or the other color. Read More!


The world is rich with color and its effects on your soul. Color has an enormous impact on your daily decisions, your environment, your home life and your health. Everywhere you are, everywhere you go and everywhere you look, color guides your being. Open yourself up to learning, exploring and understanding how colors can govern your day and you have a great tool on your hand for releasing emotions, for healing, for intuitive guidance and so much more.
Dive into the articles and see what direction inspires you. Read More!

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